So the follow up concluded all blood work was normal and great... Pre-screenings nixed all risks from our lists... And everything seemed fine, minus one detail: very low lying placenta, which still has a chance too move up as the baby grows and my uterus expands, but for the next 4-6 weeks I am to abstain from any strenuous activity, no lifting of any kind, no sex, no nothing... She wants to run another ultrasound in after said time to check if indeed its moved. If not then we have to be worried with complications arising from placenta praevia. It's all a bit disconcerting... I'm trying not to worry much and just follow orders. Also somehow I've managed to pick up an 'atypical germ' and have been prescribed 3 doses of antibiotic per day for the next week. To top it off, the pelvic exam left me irritated and there's been this uncomfortable pressure, granted I have a baby inside who is fast developing, so I know there's a chance that pressure could be attributed to that as well...but it seems to have been triggered during the exam.
I've been feeling pretty miserable, achy and exhausted since and not to mention the food situation or lack there of today... I've been pretty indifferent to food for years, but since I've been pregnant this indifference has turned to grave disgust. I rather dislike food these days. I don't get cravings, I've had only one, and that was around 4 weeks - I wanted a johnny cake, ever so intensely. Minus that one instance, I've not craved a single food or drink item. It'd help just a bit though; at least I'd know what to eat. Forcing yourself to eat something you have no desire for is frustrating and rather maddening, especially when you are famished... Knowing it's not just you, but also a developing, helpless baby who is relying on your nourishment, is ever more frustrating as you become desperate to fight your indifference to food. Let's just say it's been a long day, I'm tired and hoping tomorrow will be loads better.