in lieu of the decision to set a pc deadline, i've started the search for what to do with my life... considering i want to roam from architecture and design, and explore some other avenues, i'm looking more into environmental organizations, landscape/public space design, water management and agricultural organizations, researching, teaching, human rights organizations, ... you name it i'm looking out.
so i've been brushing up on my post collegiate knowledge of environmental studies... mix of current debates, including the deforestation, ozone depletion, acid deposition, desertification, pollution problems in developing countries as well as in marine life, ... it's all quite fascinating, though i don't know how capable i am of pulling it off.
i've also been learning quite a bit about the medical world, and cells are by far the coolest things. i'm completely enamored by them -- structurally, physically, and their whole process/life cycle. i never took anatomy, i was more into physics, chemistry & mathematics... regardless, all of this has been putting thoughts in my head of should i have gone into science or mathematics? im a bit jaded by the whole arch/design world, yes i love it, it's amazing, but more saturated by the hour -- everyone is an artist these days. and shit is being worshiped. personally i've gotten really disgusted with the whole field and at this moment in my life don't feel motivated or compelled to play along. but i want to find my balance -- i want to bring back that feeling of awe and passion for my work. i used to have it for architecture and design. i've even thought about going back to art school. but in reality, what could i accomplish with that?
my brother suggests geography would set me in place and help me find the lost pieces... maybe there is truth to this.
i know for sure i want to return to a spanish speaking environment. i would love to go to south america, but i'm torn to remain on the european continent a bit longer -- so spain is looking really good right about now. i've been researching ngos in spain, france, italy, and back in the netherlands. there are some hopefuls within spain and italy. at this point i'm applying everywhere for everything.
also, i've begun to wonder if i should tell these pc people i would be open to teaching or doing environmental work if there is more need and openings -- though i have no background? would this discredit me??
it's times like this when my mind wanders & analyzes all the possibilities that drives me MAD.
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