(memories of christmas 2004 in paris, as i nearly was killed by oncoming/passing traffic)
i have been occupied reading, watching documentaries, oh yea, job hunting, and lately baking. looking very much forward to the winter holidays. the lights are up and lovely downtown... makes up for the warmth and lack of snow (i suppose). last week was super hero baking to meet the deadlines for international delivery.. this week will be more relaxed, but leading closer to the eve of christmas will kick in full gear baking mode. wish we could all be together, but considering all this year has held for me i'm not going to overstep my good fortune. its bittersweet i suppose; that and i can't even enjoy the food, drinks, and goodies i've been slaving over... luckily i'm midway through my "getting back on track path"... 3,5 more weeks or so remaining. i'm trying to stay positive, at least i can watch other people get fat (though i admit its far from enjoyable to be the only oddball out, instead i would relish in joining in with them, in joy and drunken merriment). c'est la vie, eh?
this week/end is going to be full full. storage moving, ebay prepping, baking, house hunting, reuniting with old friends, punk concerts, and much much more. i just wish it was cold, it would make this all the more believeable.
I had a superb chocolate chip cookie of your concoction whilst drinking some of Uncle Damen's Magik Nog with the man himself.
A damned fine cookie!
why thank you, i was hoping it would reach everyone in enough time. that eggnog is magical for sure!
enjoy the rest of the cold and snow :-)
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