Friday, 20 January 2012


it's a grand thing, perspective.
it reminds you a bit frankly to be grateful,
to be humble,
to live most lovingly and honestly.
it has been an ever-important guide for me,
getting me through adolescence,
and in general it's been just a good companion in life.

it's given me wisdom when i've sought it,
peace of mind when i'm stressed,
and clarity when i loose my way.
it's played a major role in my unveiling--

i know my time will soon come,
but i detest thinking about it,
for i love the joys and beauty which only life can bring about..
a flower blooming,
a baby's laughter,
a rain shower,
washing away the what was and leaving something new...
leaves changing,
yes, ok, these cycles are all around,
constant reminders of the natural process,
yet simultaneously, they add bits of light here and there;
perspective shining ever bright,
a reminder that impermanence abounds.

so we must take it for what it is,
these cues...
and try to apply it in our lives,
our thinking...
try it as an exercise and see what it's all about.
who knows how it may affect you?

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