Tuesday, 7 February 2012

let's rethink these 'trying economic times'

in these trying economic times it's difficult to achieve all of our dreams and ambitions as we had once envisioned it in times past...

life has gotten more expensive,
bills and taxes have increased,
even dollar store bargains have gone up.

i guess in the long run, whatever gets you there is a means to an end?
we should refuse to lose sight of our goals because of a crunch and a less than stimulated job market.

why should we limit ourselves to engineering jobs just because its what's paying the bills these days?

don't they say it takes a village??

well, if that's the case we need all kinds of people;
granted maybe not soo many djs and engineers,
but every one has a place and purpose... and really,
at the end of the day life is about the experience;
so why limit ourselves and our abilities??

live a little.

so maybe it's not so lucrative, but on the other hand, maybe we need to rethink how we live and prioritize what's most important to each and every one of us.

remember --
anything is a possibility these days.

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