Saturday, 14 June 2008

the last supper

yesterday was my last day at work... i had to send my last pr article, but it was taking so long, so thomas found a way to stream the italy vs romania game so we could watch it on the projector. nothing like sipping champagne and watching the game -- in style of course. when i finally finished we headed to de prins for dinner and drinks. the food and company was great... and we were lucky to catch the end of the italy game. beautiful, thank you buffon!

after the dinner we headed to the usual, finch, to catch the long awaited france vs the netherlands. everyone was squeezed in with beer in hand, pretty much impossible to breathe, much less move. it was great though, we were all together and that day will forever remain bittersweet. of course jennifer and i were rooting for france, it was impossible. so he shifted us to vodka to cover the blow after the dutch victory. everyone in the bar was going crazy, luckily they won, otherwise it would have been a bore. the rest of the night was great... i got a million pep talks from my boss, and "but why?," "you can always come back... whenever," "you are an amazing person," ... i felt like i had gone through a dr. phil love yourself session after all that. i think the big guy ended up with a huge bill of 500euros or something -- because we all drank senselessly. i ended up going with him and his girlfriend to a houseboat party, where everyone was slightly odd, so after about 20 minutes i headed home. again, i made it home, but still a mystery.

i felt a bit saddened last night, and even so this morning, though i have more of a headache still lingering.. i realize i'm a bit hesitant to leave the country/city more than anything, i will miss life here, my friends, my bike, the doner kebab smell from every corner even at 4 am.... last night was a great pinacle to the time i've lived here. at least i feel a bit more appreciated and more assured about the whole fiasco. it will be strange to not go into work on monday morning.

now i have to figure a game plan of sorts about what to do next and where that will take me.. as of now i haven't the slightest and there are too many options, with emails waiting to be responded to.

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