zelda kaplan is awesome.
she recently hit the 90 marker and still is going strong, partying a minimum of 3 up to 5 times a week till the wee hours of the morning and hitting every social affair. she proudly claims to sleep in till two in the afternoon, because she stays up all night and mainly due to insomnia. she sticks to younger crowds because she said she was sick of older people droning on and on about age, sickness, and so on. she's fashion incarnated.
the icing on the cake: she's a top notch humanitarian and feminist. she used to be a ballroom dancer and a golf pro... but in her 50s she became curious about africa from a speaking by the anthropologist margaret mead. she still claims this was the most impacting thing in her life... she headed to africa shortly after and witnessed late 90s post-apartheid africa. she became a lead supporter for women's rights in africa... traveling across the continent raising awareness and giving workshops to small villages about the inhumane practices women must endure. she continues to raise money and awareness through her charity, and until recently was jetsetting back and forth to africa.
she's a definite force and has learned the trick of enjoying life to the fullest. i'm awestruck.

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